Saturday, November 12, 2011


I have started my apple dress today. Well...actually its nearly done, Its hanging for 24hours and then I will hem it up....Im not sure about it really, its a 1950's style...I'm just not positive I have chosen the right could be the fabric too...

My secret project is coming along nicely too. Just had a good hour on the sewing machine doing it, my eyes were starting to wobble so have stopped now.

I am home alone (well, Little Who is in his cot) the two older boys are out, one at his nanas the other at a Stag do. I didn't think I would be all that concerned about fact I was looking forward to a night alone to do some me stuff. But I have done that now, and now I am lonely. Sadly, this has highlighted to me how few friends I have in this area...or friends that are not tied down to children themselves and can't just pop over for a wine and a chat. I do miss that from my younger years. I was hardly ever alone (maybe sometimes still lonely...but NEVER alone). I am a bit more alone here in suburbia.
What makes things worse is the radio is playing songs from my younger years, song that those who were stopping me being alone listened to and danced to and drank to. Ahhh. Good times.

Wouldn't change much here really though. Tomorrow night I won't be alone...and next weekend I am off to the Hens night! Whoot!


Thursday, November 10, 2011

November 2011


Anyway, I have been such a busy bean lately the old blog has been well neglected! Here is a quick run down of what I have been up to:
*Normal Mummy duties
*Presidenting (yeh thats a word) the breastfeeding support group/chartity that I...umm..President???
*Running a less than successful business...see it here: things are slowely looking up with it....but some sales would be nice!
*Taking Neo to music and movement...which is now finished and there has been some good progress YAY.
* is spring...My garden looks choice now...all I need is for the cats to bugger off and it will be grand.
*Holidaying in the North.
*Sewing. YES I have actually found a wee bit of time to do some sewing! Who woulda thunk it!!
(a Dress, a Hat (see below), A flower, A fabric progress AND a wee secret project that I will reveal mabe in December)
The hat on the left (thats probebly quite obvious) is the latest product of sunshine thinking.
I have been thinking to myself as I potter about doing all these amazing things, HOW do people actually find the time to blog??? REALLY? ESPECIALLY mothers! They must like have the computer with them ALL the time! Or a notebook or something!!! I often think of noteworthy things to write in the blog...but..well it just doesnt happen becuase something more important crops up!! Maybe the prolific bloggers out there do frequently what I do on a bad mummy day??? Do they just chuck their kiddos in front of the tv/dvd and write away???? surely not...because there are many prolific motherish bloggers out there whose children seem to be thriving...ahhh doesnt really matter does it!! just something that occurred to me. Blah blah ramble ramble. Goodnight.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Wednesdays in arears

SO SO SORRY. Oh my. Where has the time gone? It seems nearly three, wait....YES Three weeks have passed since I wrote. I FEEL like I have been busy...Im not sure if I have...I certainly haven't been busy in the sewing world...

To catch up...Wednesday...there have been three since my last wonder...I can't really remember what we did on each one...but I think there were parks, and face trees, and bush and throwing stones in the river.....But Neo now goes to therapeutic Movement and Music at "The Hostipal" on Wednesday things have changed for us on our what to do day....but we still have teh afternoons! sewing....OH I KNOW. I have made two BEAUTIFUL gawdy breastfeeding covers for the Wharekai Pepe Trust fundraiser....more about that here. I am the President of the trust.......and I hope that explains why I have been in absentia lately. Trying to get money from various stones around the country takes time! Anyway, the covers are going in the raffle. I am quite proud of them dispite their brightly vison offensive colours!! I hope the winner gets some good use from them, cause as much as I believe breastfeeding should be a public picnic, for some women its just easier to cover up!

I finished my tester dress...Have I said that before? Also I gave the lovely wee guy his birthday gift on Sunday. I think he loved it!!! I must remember to take some photos of it next time I am at his house to put on here!!!! I think I will make one for Neo and maybe his girly cousin Jet too as it will be her 3rd birthday next year!

I KNOW this had no photos...they will come. I am currently blobbed on the couch and its all to hard to get off my lazy behind to get the stick with the pics on.

Did I mention I have a spewy baby and a spewy husband. JOY.

Hope everyone else is well in craftyblog land


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wondering Wednesday

Sadly, Wondering Wednesday...or most days this week have been a bit lame for me and the boys as I have been under the weather! waa waa. However, beinga good mummy (HA!) I managed to draaagg myself out of the house and down to the closest park I could find for a play and a treasure hunt.
Im pleased that we went. It was good to get some sunshine and fresh air, and we all three slept well once we got back! BONUS!

While we were out stumbling walking dawdeling along I was thinking about how we (mothers and fathers) have to just keep going even when we would rather just put a dvd on for the kids and curl up in a ball in the play tent in the corner and snooze. OH YES, I have done this, but I never feel very good about it (guilty mother syndrome). It occured to me, whilst going out was the HARDER option this day, it was the option that made me FEEL better. One on a body/healthy feeling level and two, on a good parental/learning for kids level. And as one of my mottos is, "there is no point doing something unless it makes you feel good..." I am glad I chose this option! Plus Neo gave me a conversational GEM while at the park:
Points to bird poo on the seesaw "Hmm There is BITCH on this one" "Theres what? on that?"..."There is bitch on this, here see.." "Thats bird poo...(hiding a laugh).." and left it at that.

Sunday, September 18, 2011



Im glad you still decided to read it is NOT about the game...

I am just SO glad the rugby world cup is on! It means HEAPS, LOADS, ENORMOUS amounts of time that I can spend sewing in my living room, with the "company" of The Mechanic....sort of company...he watches the rugby. I sew and listen half-heartedly.

I like to have company when I sew. Im not one for being alone really.

If its not The Mechanic and the rugby in the background...its Little Who in his highchair with a biscuit and a cup of water (this cancels out the biscuit..right?) or Neo eating his morning tea/afternoon tea/lunch at the table with me while I sew sew sew. I talk to the boys about what I am doing, and they (well Neo) asks lots of questions and tells me stories. I think it is lovely time together....I am happy sewing and chatting...the boys are happy eating and chatting. Then when I am finished part of a project, we play whatever they want to. I think this is a fair deal!!

Anyway, back to the rugby...NOT. This past week while the beautiful game (oh hmm is that soccer?) has been on the telly, I have managed to start and finish (nearly) a few projects. I am about 3/4 through my "test dress" and have completed a wee project for a certain lovely little boy who turns 3 soon...I can't say much about it incase his mother happens to read this...but lets say...its useful, and colourful and fun...and when I make another one I will do it COMPLETELY differently hahaha.

In other news, a charity that I help run called Wharekai Pēpē Trust has been donated $1000 from LHCC YAY for us! So that means we can continue our work with breastfeeding mothers and their bubbas!! check us out we will have a website soon too!!
Think lots of money gathering thoughts for us as we wait to see how our other applications for funding go!!

This week my friend and I start our own "boot camp"....we both need to shift a touch of blub (not much...just that extra muffin...) so back to running and zumba and eating less healthy(ish) for me!

Hope all of you in blog land are grand


Thursday, September 15, 2011


So I gave upcycling a wee go.....I recently sorted through Neo's old clothes (he still had size one clothes in his draws!)....I found two long sleeved shirts that were to small for I liked, the other I didnt... so CHOP CHOP SEW SEW...CUT, UNSTITCH.... now Neo has a "new" old shirt, with sleevies that fit and look funky!

Pics later...maybe even a try-hard tutorial! oooooh....